Marriages have been celebrated in the Great Choptank Parish for over 300 years. We want to work with you to help make the celebration and blessing of your marriage be the very best that we can provide. Clergy, staff and members of our congregation are committed to making your wedding a lovely occasion. The applicable policies and guidelines of our Parish and the Episcopal Church may help you accomplish this.
In the Episcopal Church, marriage is a Sacrament. The wedding is a service of worship in which two committed adults offer their vows to each other at Christ’s altar. Holy Matrimony not only binds the two parties together in a contractual obligation, but also celebrates and affirms the establishment of a lifelong relationship in the presence of God and representatives of the community. The presence of the priest is to confer the blessing of the Church and (if so desired) to celebrate a Nuptial Eucharist with special intention for God’s guidance and continued presence in the marriage. When the Eucharist is celebrated as part of the wedding ceremony, all those present are invited to receive Holy Communion.
from the Book of Common Prayer, Collect for Marriage
Christian Marriage is a solemn and public covenant between two committed adults in the presence of God. In the Episcopal Church it is required that at least one of the parties be a baptized Christian (not necessarily in the Episcopal Church). It is also required that the ceremony be attested to by a minimum of two witnesses, that the marriage conform to the Canons of the Episcopal Church, and that the Rector be given at least 30 days’ notice.
Please note that a Marriage License issued by Dorchester County is required by the State of Maryland. For persons who have been divorced and who are seeking remarriage in the Church, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the Bishop of the Diocese of Easton prior to the wedding. The applicable forms are available in the Rector’s office. Please note that 60 days advance notice is required in these circumstances, although it is often advisable to contact the Rector at least three months ahead of time so that the necessary arrangements can be made.
Because marriage marks the transition to a new state of life and involves Promises before God, it is required by Church Canons that those who wish to be married at Christ Church do so only after careful preparation with a clergy person, usually the Rector.
The initial counseling session should take place before a definite time and date for the marriage is announced (and at least 30 days in advance of the planned wedding). In some instances, when the couple lives at some distance from Cambridge, another clergy person, acting on behalf of and in consultation with the Rector, will do this premarital counseling. While a minimum of 30 days’ notice is required, at least six weeks notice is encouraged so that these sessions can be conveniently scheduled. If either party has been married before, the counseling should start 90 days before the wedding.
The normal premarital counseling with the Rector will consist of at least two, one hour, sessions. Additional counseling may be advisable; occasionally couples are encouraged to take advantage of professional services available locally.
The Church will seat 250 people (24 pews in nave and 10 in transepts). The Church and connected buildings are reserved for three hours per wedding, additional time can be arranged subject to availability.
The use of Christ Church as a venue for weddings is welcomed and encouraged. To help defray costs incurred for these events, a facility fee of $500.00 will be charged for active members. For nonmembers of the Parish, the facilities fee shall be $2,000.00 and the Rector's fee shall be $500. In special situations, the fee may be renegotiated in consultation with the Rector.
The fee for the services of the Organist is $300.00. Whatley Hall is available for receptions. The fee for the use of the Hall, minimum $500.00, is in addition to the $500.00/$2,000.00 church fee noted above. The capacity of the room is 100 persons seated, as for a meal, and 160 standing. Champagne and other wines and beer may be served. Hard liquor is not permitted. Facility Use Forms for using Whatley Hall may be secured from the Church Office. The set-up and clean up are the responsibility of the couple.
All fees are due 60 days prior to the wedding date; checks for use of church should be payable to: Christ Episcopal Church, 601 Church Street, Cambridge, Maryland 21613-1729
Holy Matrimony is a service of worship in the Church. Christ Church honors the standards of the Standing Commission on Church Music of the Episcopal Church. If a piece of secular music is desired, please discuss it with the Rector & the Organist. Tape-recorded music is not permitted. Please consult the Rector and organist before making your music selections. The parish organist is available to play for your wedding. See above for information about her fees. If special music and/or rehearsals are necessary, the times and fees will then be negotiated by the couple and the Organist. Other organist may play if approved and in consultation with the parish organist.
A member of the Altar Guild, the Wedding Coordinator, will be present at both the rehearsal and the wedding service to assist with the various details of this special occasion. Barber Hall (directly behind the Altar) may be used as a dressing area.
Because a wedding is a sacred service of worship, NO FLASH pictures are permitted during the service. Flash pictures as the bride leaves the Church are permitted. Other pictures may be posed before and after the service. A video camera (using natural light) may be used provided it is located in one of the side aisles in the nave.
Floral decorations should be planned in consultation with the Wedding Coordinator, who is appointed by the Rector. Florists or representatives of the family or friends, will decorate the Church. The Altar Flowers will remain in the Church for the Sunday service in honor of the wedding. There is an Altar Guild information form, which should be filled out pertaining to flowers and information your florist may need. Any arrangements on the ends of the Church pews are to be removed by the florist or by a person appointed by the bride. Flower arrangements may be placed on the front doors of the Church. Glass vases are available as well as the brass vases. In the case of the brass vases, only the liners may be removed from the Church to assemble the arrangements ahead of time. The flowers on the altar may not be silk.
If a carriage or limousine is to be a part of the celebration, the couple must call the Cambridge Police Department (410-228-3333) for a parking permit.
The Rector may work with the couple in designing a wedding bulletin or the family may design and provide one that will be an aid to those attending the service and a suitable keepsake.
Throwing rice and birdseed are not permitted. Bubbles are a sensible alternative.
It is customary for the Rector to officiate at weddings at Christ Church. At the invitation of the Rector, Episcopal priests and ministers of other denominations may assist at your wedding service. Arrangements concerning all aspects of the ceremony are the discretion of the Rector. Please consult with her before your plans are finalized.
Christ Episcopal Church, The Great Choptank Parish
601 Church St, Cambridge, MD 21613, USA
Copyright © 2024 Christ Episcopal Church | The Great Choptank Parish - All Rights Reserved. Photography by Jill Jasuta | Website by Allie Levanway